Treat Erectile Problems Holistically

Program components: Advice, Knowledge, Body, Mind

Regimen is a digital program that empowers you to treat your erection problems in 15 minutes a day with a holistic approach. Self-assess your erectile function now and instantly receive feedback on how to improve it.

Start self-assessment

Proudly supported by

  • Digital Health London
  • Google for Startups
  • German Accelerator

Developed by Experts

Regimen is an evidence-based program to improve your sexual health, wellness and performance. It is developed by a passionate group of practitioners, researchers, and patients who have firsthand experience dealing with intimate health issues.

  • Professor Wolf-D. Beecken

    Urologist, Co-Founder

    Renowned andrologist who has been working on treating erectile dysfunction holistically and sustainably for decades.

  • Deborah S. Cohen

    Pelvic health specialist, Advisor

    Dedicated her career to helping people with pelvic health concerns find answers and relief.

  • Dr. Husain Shabeeh

    Cardiologist, Advisor

    Medical expert who specialized in the investigation and management of heart disease.

  • Mark Allen, PhD

    Psychologist, Advisor

    Researcher who focuses on the treatment and prevention of chronic conditions including sexual dysfunction and obesity.

Efficacy Confirmed

Thousands of men all over the world have already used Regimen to improve their sexual health. Three out of four clients improve their erectile function significantly within only 12 weeks.

“I tried everything with no success for more than three years — pills, injections, and even surgery failed. Not being in control of my intimate health was a devastating experience. Finally, I was able to overcome my issues and see long-term improvements to my erection.”

Founded Regimen to make the integrated care he received available to everyone.

“I'm so grateful and optimistic going forward. This program gave me a new lease and perspective on life. I haven't been this functional in years.”

Found new spirit thanks to Regimen.

“This app is the best thing that happened in my life, the amount of insight and support and the team behind this app is just perfect.”

Delighted with Regimen.

“The Regimen program, combined with vacuum pump training, helped me overcome my issue completely.”

Overcame his issues thanks to Regimen.

“I can't thank you enough. The blue pill hasn't worked for me for the past few years, but with Regimen I felt progress within a few weeks. It has changed my marriage.”

Revived his marriage thanks to Regimen.

“Super incredible app. Hard work but worth the results.”

Experienced astonishing results thanks to Regimen.

“I'm a regular user of the app and I'm still grateful for the results achieved! I enjoy life more again, I have gained more self-confidence, especially in the bedroom…”

Regained his confidence thanks to Regimen.

A Novel Approach

In 2019, an umbrella review in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that a holistic program is at least as effective as drugs. Yet, PDE5 inhibitors are still the go-to solution since there has not been an easy program to follow. Regimen changes that.

The game changer

We identified the most effective medically-validated health strategies and combined them into a program to boost erections naturally. In contrast to pharmaceutical pills, which only treat the symptoms on a short term basis for immediate relief, Regimen is a sustainable long term remedy addressing the physical and mental root causes of erectile dysfunction.

  • Physical exercise

    Cardiovascular and resistance training for blood circulation and to boost testosterone, pelvic floor training to strengthen erectile function

  • Lifestyle advice

    Effects, risks, and trade-offs of lifestyle choices for erectile health

  • Nutritional guidance

    Influence on heart (for pumping blood to the penis), arteries (for keeping them uncongested), and penile tissue (by raising nitric oxide levels)

  • Mindfulness training

    Exercises to find the calm necessary to overcome anxiety-related erectile dysfunction

  • Facts and knowledge

    Background to better navigate topics such as root causes, available therapies, stress, sex, and partnerships in the context of erectile issues

  • Tracking and metrics

    Record of erectile function and other indicators to visualize progress and foster adherence

Take Charge

Doctors have a very limited time budget to treat men with erectile dysfunction and are therefore inclined to solely prescribe PDE5 inhibitors. This might bring patients immediate relief but does not treat their underlying issues which are most likely to worsen over time.

“A holistic treatment could (and probably should) replace PDE5i as the first-line treatment option for ED. Effect sizes in patients are similar–with cardioprotective and general health benefits.”

Mark Allen, PhD
Advisor to Regimen and psychologist

“My patients who have been going through the Regimen program significantly improved their erection as well as their overall health parameters.”

Professor Wolf-D. Beecken
Co-Founder of Regimen and practicing urologist

Regimen addresses the root causes of erectile problems for lasting results. Self-assess your erectile function now and instantly receive feedback on how to improve it.

Start self-assessment